
Everythign in red is not yet implemented.

User accounts

The only way to log in/out is through a Google account. While you are not required to, you are strongly encouranged to use a Berkeley account (or other instiution if applicable). We store only your name and email address. We have no passwords.


How we store problems

The problem content is stored in a private GitHub repository owned by Berkeley Physics (everyone in that organization has full access to problem content). This website provides an interface to access the problems and the formatting API, as well as providing additional structure and data to make the process of creating, distributing, and grading Jupyter notebook-based homework assignments.


Anybody can view the problems (after signing up/in). We do not track problem views.

Only authorised users can view solutions. Authorised users are:

The authorisation on this website is completely independent of access to the GitHub repository containing the problem content.

Uploading and editing

This can only be done via the underlying git repo. Contact the administrators for access.

Problem sets

You need to be signed in to create or download problem sets (we do not track downloads).


Anybody signed in can view or download any problem sets. While there is no browsable interface for problem sets that you didn't create, problem sets can be shared using their URLs (which are static). The solutions access restrictions still apply. If a problem set contains a single problem whose solutions are not available to a user, the solutions to the entire problem set will be unavailable to that user.

Problem sets associated with a course are fully available (i.e. including solutions) to instructors and GSIs teaching that course every semester. Note that this means that instructors (but not GSIs) effectively have access to all solutions, since they can associate any given problem to a problem set in their course, regardless of wehther they have been given access to all solutions via the "Faculty" group. To add a problem to a course, please contact the administrators.


Only creators of problem sets can edit them, but anybody (who is signed in) can copy it and edit their copy. When an instructor associates a problem set with a course, the problem set becomes immutable to preserve the usage history of each problem. Please make all necessary edits to the problem set before doing so!


Only site admins can create or edit courses. If you'd like to add a course, or would like to report any errors, please contact the admins.


Admins can be reached at berkeleyphysicsproblembank@gmail.com problembank@berkeley.edu?